A Loaf of Bread, a Jug of Wine, and Thou

October 19, 2015

This Sunday I had the pleasure to relax in an outdoor onsen overlooking Mount Fuji and visit Suntory’s winery in Yamanashi. I haven’t really drank since that cyst attacked me a few months ago, yet I figured that wine tasting with Ueno-san and his wife would be good for my heart and soul.

I was first introduced to Ueno-san back in Belgium on my way to Frankfurt’s stationery show in January 2014. Ueno-san has always been the classiest, most generous Japanese man I’ve (you’ve) ever met. Not only did he buy me an express train ticket to Paris then, but he also took me to the Louvre, Eiffel Tower, and Paris’s Opera House. He continually pours love out to me in the most generous ways.I really do miss working along his side and painting for him.

October has seriously been hauling me and tearing me apart (literally, hair and eyelashes falling out, fingers bleeding from the wind and stress). Thank you so much Ueno-san for insisting that I drop out all my plans for this precious day out of Tokyo. A precious day with you, your wife over  slices of freshly baked bread and smooth wine.